“Por este medio hago constar al profesionalismo y atención recibido por parte de Daniel Garcia en la venta de mi propiedad en San Antonio. ¡GRACIAS DANIEL!”
– Rogelio Rojas Calvo, Consul General (Ret.)
Consulado General de Mexico, EE.UU
“I have worked with and helped mutual clients with Daniel and have nothing but the highest regards for his dedication to the real estate profession. He is very detailed with his clients whether it is reviewing and explaining a contract, negotiating terms or presenting options. He is very direct in the most professional way which is what you need in a real estate agent. At the end of the day you want someone to work hard for you and to dedicate the time and effort. Daniel is the Realtor that delivers. I have recommended in the past and continue to recommend Daniel to friends and family for their real estate needs.”
– Easton Crafts, CEO
Directions Equity, LLC
Mr. Garcia has a keen eye for detail and his experience simply delivers results. His experience and knowledge of the industry saved me time and helped me maximize my profits. Highly recommend and will use again for both my residential and commercial properties.
– Manuel Ordaz, Partner
Ordaz Investments, LLC
“Dany es una persona muy profesional en su trabajo, excelente personalidad, bilingue 100%, confiable, es una persona que te aconseja, te proteje como representante y tiene calidad humana en su trabajo. Para mi, no pude encontrar a mejor REALTOR (bienes raices). REMAX tiene muy buen representante con Daniel Garcia, excelente en todo. ¡Felicidades lo mejor para Daniel Garcia profesionalmente!”
– Lorena Linaje Iruegas, Empresaria
Inversiones Linaje
"My wife and I would like to recommend Danny Garcia to those who desire a very dedicated, knowledgeable Real Estate Agent. He assisted us throughout several purchases did a magnificent job. His honesty, care, patience and insights were just so helpful. We recommend him to anyone who desires an easier and more productive process."
– Lamar and Bobbie C.
Retired and traveling
“Con un enorme agradecimiento y felicidad como familia, queremos referenciar el excelente servicio y atencion recibida por Daniel Garcia. La primera vez que conocimos a Daniel en sus oficinas, pudimos constatar, el profesionalismo, conocimiento, paciencia y sobre todo su disponibilidad. Todo el proceso es muy sencillo con Daniel, no tienes preocupaciones ni presiones, en cambio, recibes excelentes tips y un trato muy humano. Siempre es grato encontrar personas como Daniel, las cuales te demuestran inmediatamente, que primero esta el cliente antes que cualquier otra cosa. Gracias a ti Daniel!!”
Kenneth L. y Edith C.